Frequently asked questions
Find answers and links to resources for the most asked questions about contracting opportunities with the Port.
What resources and training is available for small businesses?
- U.S. Small Business Administration: Contracting resources | Email updates | Events
- Washington Procurement Technical Assistance Center: Pierce County Regional Training Calendar | Pacific Northwest Events & Training Calendar
- WSDOT: Office of Equal Opportunity events | Subscribe to email updates for DBE contractors and consultants
- Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises: Events calendar
How do I know when the Port is bidding public works projects?
For public works projects under $300,000, the Port requests bids from firms listed on the Small Works Roster. At the option of the Port, the project may be advertised in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce.
Public works projects estimated to cost $300,000 or more are advertised in the Tacoma News Tribune and the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce.
What is a TWIC card and how do I get one?
The Transportation Worker Identification Credential, also known as TWIC®, is required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act for workers who need access to secure areas of the nation’s maritime facilities and vessels.
Is there special training required for public works projects?
Effective July 1, 2019, all businesses are required to have training before bidding and/or performing work on public works projects and prevailing wage under RCW 39.04.359 and RCW 39.12. The bidder must designate a person or persons to be trained on these requirements. The training will be provided by the department of Labor and Industries or by a training provider whose curriculum is approved by the department. Beginning July 1, 2019, this requirement will be added to the Bidder Responsibility criteria that must be met.
Please refer to Labor and Industries’ web site for more information and training dates, requirements, and exemptions. Failure to attend this training could result in a determination of “not responsible” and the bidder not being awarded a public works contract.
I am interested in working with the Port. How do I get on the vendor list?
The Port does not maintain a vendor list or in-house roster.
For small works and consulting services, the Port uses the Municipal Research and Service Center (MRSC) maintained roster. All contractors and consultants will need to register at, and basic members will need to add Port of Tacoma to their account.
What is the Holders List?
The Holders List gives firms the ability to subscribe to updates about individual procurements.
When you view the details about a specific procurement, you have the option to subscribe to the Holders List. By subscribing to the list, you will receive email updates when new documents or changes specifically related to the procurement are available.
My firm submitted for a solicitation but was not selected. How do I request a debrief?
Requests for debriefs must be submitted in writing to All debrief documents will only be issued once there is an executed contract. View all executed contracts.