Environmental Action Plan

Our Environmental Action Plan lays out the high priority actions the Port of Tacoma and Northwest Seaport Alliance will take in the Tacoma harbor over the next several years to meet the environmental goals as outlined in the Port’s Strategic Plan. Environmental Action Plan

2024 Port of Tacoma Environmental Action Plan


We intend to grow responsibly to ensure continued trust in our collective future. Learn more about our environmental efforts to improve air and water quality and restore the land.

photo of a woman holding water sample

Going beyond compliance

Learn how we use natural site features and small-scale stormwater controls to remove pollutants before they reach Commencement Bay.

Economic benefits

Over the years, we have successfully purchased, remediated and redeveloped multiple properties in the Tideflats. Through these and other efforts, the Port attracts new business and has grown existing business in the region.

Since the Port was founded in 1918, we have grown from 240 acres to 2,300+ acres in the Tideflats. Today, Port's marine cargo and real estate operations help support 42,000+ jobs and nearly $3 billion in economic activity. Find out more.

Blue icon of a shovel
Cleaning up land

Cleaned up legacy contamination to return more than 420 acres of property to productive use under protective measures.

Blue icon of two overlapping pine trees
Restoring habitat

Restored more than 215 acres of critical habitat for fish and other wildlife.

Blue icon of a rabbit
Preserving open space

Preserved more than 70 acres of open space to serve as a natural buffer between industrial operations and residential areas.

Blue icon of a cloud with three falling rain drops
Treating stormwater

Educates employees and tenants, finds and eliminates illicit discharges, maps stormwater conveyance systems, monitors water quality, and treats stormwater where appropriate.

Blue icon of a three blade wind turbine
Renewable power

Purchase offset to support renewable green power projects in Washington and Oregon.

Blue icon of a battery with lightning bolt
Shore power

Retrofitted a marine cargo terminal to allow ships to plug into electric shore power to reduce diesel and greenhouse gas emissions

Blue icon of wind
Clean air partnership

Developed the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy, in partnership with the Port of Seattle, The Northwest Seaport Alliance, and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, British Columbia, to reduce port-related emissions.

Blue icon of the recycling triangle
Recycle and conserve

Aim to recycle 90% from demolition projects, and continually seek ways to conserve energy and resources.

Port of Tacoma Habitat Restoration Storymap

Enjoy our story map experience in full size

Diary of a Port Biologist

photo of a group birdwatching