Readily Available Records

Many commonly requested records are available online without submitting a public records request.

Public Records

The Port of Tacoma is committed to providing the fullest assistance to those seeking public records under the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).


The Port of Tacoma is an independent municipal corporation that operates under Title 53 of the Revised Code of Washington. Through The Northwest Seaport Alliance, a marine cargo operating partnership of the Tacoma and Seattle ports, our trade customers move goods from all corners of Washington and the United States through the Tideflats to people all over the world. For more information on the Port of Tacoma, please visit our About Us page. 


The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) is a marine cargo operating partnership of the Port of Seattle and Port of Tacoma. They are a leading container gateway in the United States. Under a port development authority, the NWSA manages the container, breakbulk, auto and some bulk terminals in Seattle and Tacoma. For more information on the NWSA, please visit their About Us page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are public records?

The Public Records Act RCW 42.56 is a Washington State law that governs the public's access to state and local government records. A public record is defined as any writing that is prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local government agency, and which contains information that relates to the conduct of government, or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function.

What information should I include in my request?

RCW 42.56.080 requires a public records request must be for identifiable recordsWhen making a request, it is helpful to include as much information as you canIncluding specific information such as subject matter; date/time; project, contract, account, and/or parcel number; specific document title; etc. aides Records staff in locating responsive records. 

How is access to Port public records governed?

The Public Records Act RCW 42.56 requires public agencies to make identifiable, non-exempt public records available for inspection and copying upon request and to publish procedures to inform the public how to access public records.  Port of Tacoma Access to Port Public Records Procedure

What if I have a question or want general information and not records?

General questions or requests for information are not typically Public Records Requests. The Port of Tacoma is not required to create new records, collect or analyze information, or conduct legal research under the Public Records Act. If you have general questions or would like more information about the Port of Tacoma that you can’t locate from our website, please call (253)383-5841.

When and how will I receive the requested records?

Within five (5) business days of receipt of the request, the Port of Tacoma will respond in one of the following ways: 

  • Provide the records (or a link to the portion of our website that contains the records). 
  • Request clarification if the request is unclear or does not sufficiently identify the requested records. 
  • Provide a reasonable time estimate for the search and production of any potential responsive records. For large or broad requests, the Port may provide records in a series of installments. 
  • Deny the request in whole or in part. 
  • Close the request advising a reasonable search was conducted and no responsive records were identified. 

The Port of Tacoma strives to provide records electronically for ease of access. Responses to public records requests will be provided electronically via the NextRequest portal unless otherwise requested. 

What records are exempt from disclosure?

Many public records have no disclosure restrictions and must be provided upon request. However, some records are exempt from disclosure (either in whole or in part) under the Public Records Act RCW 42.56. Many other exemptions and disclosure prohibitions can be found throughout other state and federal statutes.

How To Submit A Public Records Request

Through the Port of Tacoma NextRequest portal, you can submit a public records request, track the status of your request, communicate with staff regarding your request, and receive responsive records when they become available.

Request records or search past requests